#1450 mod_bidi incompatible with trunk

Reporter ge0rg
Owner Nobody
Stars ★★ (2)
  • Priority-Medium
  • Status-Fixed
  • Type-Defect
  • Component-Community
  1. ge0rg on

    mod_bidi is supposed to work on <=0.11. Loading it on trunk will cause this error: stanzarouter: Received a stanza claiming to be from chat.jabberfr.org, over a stream authed for chat.jabberfr.org! Please make mod_bidi load mod_s2s_bidi on trunk/0.12, or at least make it break instead of loading

  2. Zash on

    Haven't figured out how to detect the change from the module. Breakage was not intended or expected.

    • title mod_bidi: prevent loading on trunk mod_bidi incompatible with trunk
    • tags Component-Community
  3. Zash on

    Fixed in https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/rev/8e7d400d4db3 and a nagging warning is added in the commit after

    • tags Status-Fixed

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