#1695 plugin installer: decide defaults

Reporter Zash
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Status-Done
  • Priority-High
  • Type-Task
  • Milestone-0.12
  1. Zash on

    The plugin installer adds some new settings: - plugin_server - installer_plugin_path We need to decide on defaults and whether to include them in the default config file.

  2. MattJ on

    • tags Priority-High
  3. Zash on

    s/installer_plugin_path/plugin_installer_path/ ? Also not sure it needs to be in the default config

  4. Zash on

    We settled on not in the config file and no defaults, instead the options are described in documentation at https://prosody.im/doc/plugin_installer and the `plugin_server` setting isn't even really needed anymore since you can now install given a full URL to a .rock. We will also be updating the community modules site to automatically generate installation instructions.

    • tags Status-Done

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