Link to relevant page (if any):
What's wrong and how can it be improved?
This page is out of date, 'connlisteners' were removed in 0.8 or so, and quite a lot of session logic is has moved into mod_c2s and mod_s2s.
Also, all links are broken.
In general, introductory documentation covering the project layout and architecture seems to be missing. Having this would be good for new potential contributors.
Link to relevant page (if any): What's wrong and how can it be improved? This page is out of date, 'connlisteners' were removed in 0.8 or so, and quite a lot of session logic is has moved into mod_c2s and mod_s2s. Also, all links are broken. In general, introductory documentation covering the project layout and architecture seems to be missing. Having this would be good for new potential contributors.