What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Remove lua-bitops, install bit32 as alternative
2. Start prosody
What is the expected output?
Prosody will just start fine, since https://prosody.im/doc/depends#bitop states, that bit32 should work to.
What do you see instead?
Prosody was unable to find lua-bitops
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
0.11.7 / Gentoo / Lua 5.1
Please provide any additional information below.
The check seems to be incomplete, as it tests the following:
local bit = _G.bit32 or softreq"bit";
Looking into net/websocket/frames.lua, I can clearly see, that this class looks for:
local bit = assert(softreq"bit" or softreq"bit32",
So I guess, the check in util/dependencies.lua neets to be adjusted, to also check for bit32, otherweise it reports false, that lua-bitops is needed.
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Remove lua-bitops, install bit32 as alternative 2. Start prosody What is the expected output? Prosody will just start fine, since https://prosody.im/doc/depends#bitop states, that bit32 should work to. What do you see instead? Prosody was unable to find lua-bitops What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.11.7 / Gentoo / Lua 5.1 Please provide any additional information below. The check seems to be incomplete, as it tests the following: local bit = _G.bit32 or softreq"bit"; Looking into net/websocket/frames.lua, I can clearly see, that this class looks for: local bit = assert(softreq"bit" or softreq"bit32", So I guess, the check in util/dependencies.lua neets to be adjusted, to also check for bit32, otherweise it reports false, that lua-bitops is needed.
Thanks for the report. Updated to check for bit libs in the same way in https://hg.prosody.im/trunk/rev/e17b98feb0b7 Also see #1395