#1783 mod_spam_reporting: option to not get notification

Reporter meaz
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Status-Fixed
  • Priority-Medium
  • Type-Enhancement
  1. meaz on

    Would be nice to be able to have an option to not have notification when an user reports spammers. Indeed, if your an admin, you get a notification from myserver.org each time an unser reports a spammer, which can lead to many notifications! And you can block it, as the notifications is done by myserver.org, not by the user JID.

  2. Menel87 on

    Maybe this new module can solve your issue? You can have a dedicated account to receive spam reports with it. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_spam_report_forwarder.html

  3. MattJ on

    Actually mod_spam_reporting does not notify admins already. You probably enabled mod_watch_spam_reports: https://modules.prosody.im/mod_watch_spam_reports.html Solution: disable mod_watch_spam_reports if you don't want it :) mod_spam_report_forwarder is a "better" mod_watch_spam_reports, but it isn't currently useful unless you have something to receive and process the reports. Such a thing is in development, but not yet available.

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