#1804 Support soft-deletion/deregistration of users

Reporter Jonas Schäfer
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Priority-Medium
  • Status-Duplicate
  • Type-Enhancement
  1. Jonas Schäfer on

    Description of feature: Instead of deleting user data right away (through the user-deleted event), all user-facing endpoints which currently delete user accounts should instead cause a soft deletion (user-triggered deactivation, as opposed to admin-triggered deactivation). The soft-deletion should be revertable by the user within a configurable grace period, after which the data is actually deleted (user-deleted event fired) and things like mod_tombstone kick in. In soft-deleted state, the account should behave as if it was deleted/tombstoned already, except that it should be recoverable by some means by the user, for instance via IBR with the old credentials. Motivation: People hit delete buttons too often by accident, yet such delete buttons need to be exposed for data protection regulation reasons.

  2. Zash on

    Good text, but duplicate of #1772

    • tags Status-Duplicate

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