#1856 Invalid stanza state! Please report this error.

Reporter GD
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Milestone-0.12
  • Status-NeedInfo
  • Priority-Medium
  • Type-Defect
  1. GD on

    c2s564d44a8fc20 error Traceback[c2s]: /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/stanza.lua:255: Invalid stanza state! Please report this error. MUC stop working with this stanza: Is this INVALID? <presence xml:lang='en' to='mydomain.com_614a2f2349038@conference.mydomain.com/gd@mydomain' from='gd@mydomain.com/aeiou_2.2.35_a57e30'><x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/></presence>

  2. Zash on

    Thanks for the report, however it is missing many details needed to understand what is going on. Please include - the version of Prosody used - the full traceback - configuration details of the hosts involved

    • tags Status-NeedInfo
  3. GD on

    Prosody 0.12.4 Apr 07 20:53:05 c2s55da11ff06e0 error Traceback[c2s]: /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/stanza.lua:256: Invalid stanza state! Please report this error. stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/stanza.lua:256: in function </opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/stanza.lua:229> (...tail calls...) /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/modules/muc/occupant_id.lib.lua:43: in function '?' /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/events.lua:81: in function </opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/events.lua:77> (...tail calls...) /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/modules/muc/muc.lib.lua:684: in function </opt/prosody/lib/prosody/modules/muc/muc.lib.lua:618> (...tail calls...) /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/events.lua:81: in function </opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/events.lua:77> (...tail calls...) /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/core/stanza_router.lua:188: in function 'core_post_stanza' /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/core/stanza_router.lua:128: in function 'core_process_stanza' /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/modules/mod_c2s.lua:326: in function 'func' /opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/async.lua:144: in function </opt/prosody/lib/prosody/util/async.lua:142>

  4. Zash on

    So #981 has come back. I can't tell what going on here. Could not reproduce anything locally. Additional details would be needed. Is this reproducible? Lua version? OS version? How did you install? With debug logs enabled, what occurs right before the error?

    • tags Milestone-0.12

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