#1892 Connection stall when using Websocket

Reporter Stephen Paul Weber
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Status-New
  • Type-Defect
  • Priority-Medium
  1. Stephen Paul Weber on

    I've been having this issue intermittently for over a year, but hadn't reported yet as I tried to gather some useful data (and become more confident it is a prosody issue, in discussion with MattJ) but at this point it's worth at least getting it recorded. Sometimes when I am connected over websocket (direct from browser to prosody using xmpp.js) the connection ends up in a weird state. I don't get inbound messages anymore (at least not to bare jid) and sending to MUCs returns errors as if I am not joined. Requests for SM ACKs are still honoured and replied to properly by the server. When this happens I can see that hosts["singpolyma.net"].sessions.singpolyma.sessions does not contain the session anymore. I have not been able to find anything relevant in debug logs to show why the session was removed from the table. My server is on 0.12 and this is where I usually see this, but I have also had it happen to me when connected to my snikket hosted snikket instance, so it does not only affect 0.12 Unfortunately I don't have reproduction steps. Sometimes it happens soon after connection, sometimes it is much later, and I have not yet managed to find a specific trigger.

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