#1896 Add a way to see the list of available shell commands possible on a MUC room object

Reporter lissine
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Type-Enhancement
  • Priority-Medium
  • Status-Accepted
  1. lissine on

    Some shell commands return an object. For example, `muc:room("myroom@conference.example.org")` returns `MUC room <myroom@conference.example.org>` It would be nice if there was a way to see the list of available commands on an object like that. For example, something like `help muc:room` Note: the MUC room is just an example, this would be useful for any shell command that returns an object.

  2. Zash on

    Thanks for the report. This implementation was a quick hack that just returns the internal object. There is no guarantee that all the methods are suitable for using in the shell, such as internal message routing methods. The plan was to eventually write muc:<commands>() for the useful subset, with sensible arguments, but this hasn't been done yet.

    • tags Status-Accepted

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