#837 prosody sends starttls stream feature over Websocket

Reporter Sonny Piers
Owner Zash
Stars ★ (1)
  • Status-Fixed
  • Priority-Medium
  • Type-Defect
  1. Sonny Piers on

    I recently updated my prosody-hg-stable aur package on Arch Linux and prosody started advertising starttls feature for XMPP over Websocket. See http://pastebin.com/Ka51ab56 (don't mind the stanza order)

  2. Sonny Piers on

    Just checked, starttls is only advertised on ws:// not on wss://

  3. Zash on

    Hi. What exact version are you on and do you know which version you were on before?

    • owner Zash
    • tags Status-Accepted
  4. Sonny Piers on

    Hi. I'm and was on 0.10 HEAD. Can't find the exact commit though. I double checked and I'm not entirely sure it is a regression.

  5. Zash on

    I could reproduce with every commit since mod_websocket was added (that I tested with). Should be fixed in http://hg.prosody.im/0.10/rev/a6eb3b6bf903

    • tags Status-Fixed
  6. Sonny Piers on

    Tested, all good. thanks

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